månadsarkiv: maj 2014

Hans Helighet Dalai Lama 79:e födelsedag


Välkomna att hedra Hans Helighet Dalai Lama på hans 79:e födelsedag!

Tid: 2014-07-06, kl 16:00-18:00 (föranmälan behövs ej)

Vi offrar ljus och mediterar på Sakyamuni Buddha, reciterar Buddha mantra Tadyatha Om Mune Mune Maha Muneye Svaha, läser Långt Livs bön för Dalai Lama och avslutar med att tillägna goda förtjänster till Dalai Lamas Långa Liv, uppfyllande av hans önskningar samt Fred i Världen.

Ta gärna med något till gemensam fika efter meditationen. Föreningen bjuder som vanligt på te.

Johanna Dahlin och Helen Persson helen.persson@tibetanskbuddhism.se

The courage to feel – Buddhist Practices for opening to yourself and others


Stephan Pende Wormland, born 1965 in Germany, MA in clinical psychology and trained in Gestalt therapy. He has studied and practiced meditation in multiple Buddhist traditions for over 25 years. Pende was a monk in the Tibetan tradition for 11 years and teaches meditation in Buddhist centers in Europe. Since 2009 he has studied Radiant Mind with Peter Fenner and attended his non- dual teacher training.

When circumstances are challenging, how do you react? During the weekend Stephan Pende will teach meditations which help you to develop greater inner strength and openness to life by changing how you react to what happens around and to you. You learn how to develop a happier and relaxed mind through different techniques from the Tibetan Buddhist tradition and Mindfulness practices for daily life. This course is suitable for Beginners and experienced students who want to extend their practice into their daily life and their relationships. If you are looking for more depth and joy in your formal practice then this weekend will give you new inspiration.

Fredagen 30 maj, 18.30 – 20.30
Lördagen 31 maj, 10.00 – 17.00
Söndagen 01 juni, 10.00 – 17.00

Avgift: 600 kr medlemmar (700 kr för icke-medlemmar)

För anmälan, kontakta: martin@tibetanskbuddhism.se