Vi har glädjen att erbjuda en heldagskurs i detta spännande ämne! Inga förkunskaper krävs! För den som vill ha en egen medicinsk konsultation så finns möjligheten till det under söndagen.
lördag 30/11 2019
Kl. 10 – 17
Kostnad 500 kr (ej medlem 550 kr)
söndag 1/12 2019
Kl. 10-17
Kostnad per konsultation 600 kr plus ev. medicin. Anmälan för att säkert få en tid är 23/11.
Kursen och konsultationerna kommer att översättas till engelska.( Amchi har med sig en egen tolk.)
The Traditional Tibetan Medicine (TTM) is one of the world’s oldest medical and healing traditions still alive. It assumes that the three humors wind, bile and phlegm flow in the channels.The body itself is made by the elements fire, earth, water, wind and space. If one of these elements is not in balance, this affects the body physically as well as on a mental level.
The most important instrument of a Tibetan doctor is the pulse diagnosis. This diagnosis shows balance and imbalance in the patient’s body. After making the diagnosis there are different possible treatments: A recommendation for eating habits and possible dietary changes; individual behaviour corrections, oriented on the body type, according to the Tibetan teaching of elements; and support through a combination of natural remedies, acupressure, moxabustion and healing meditation.
Amchi Lobsang Rabjee is the brother of Tulku Lobsang Rinpoche. They were born in a farmer family in the Himalayas.
Amchi is a great doctor of Tibetan medicine and comes directly from Tibet.He studied Traditional Tibetan Medicine at the Institute for Tibetan Medicine in Sichuan. There, he achieved second place among the best students in medical theory.
Mer info :https://amchilobsangrabjee.org/en/tibetan-medicine/
Anmälan och frågor till:asa@tibetanskbuddhism.se
”Anmälan sker genom att summan betalas till föreningens Plusgiro 831 87 20-3, eller Swish nr 123 018 21 21.”