Introduction to Tara Rokpa
Learning to relax – restoring the balance
Learning to relax is a weekend course that give you experience of relaxation and compassion in action. We will introduce relaxation and visualization exercises as well as movement and massage exercises.
This course will help us to know how we can work for restoring our balance and connect with ourselves and others in a relaxed way.
This weekend will also introduce the process, training and therapy method of Tara Rokpa which is based on the inspiration and development work of the Tibetan doctor and meditation teacher Akong Rinpoche and his lifelong work with western therapists and people worldwide.
The course leader
Tuula Styrman has worked and studied throughout her entire career, with over 40 years of experience in bodywork and massage. She actively educates in respectful touch and works at the Terhokoti hospice in Helsinki, Finland.Tuula is the author of the Handbook for Respectful Touch for Social and Healthcare Personnel, Styrman T and Torniainen 2018. She is trained in the Tara Rokpa process, training, and therapy.
Föreningens lokal, Linnégatan 21B
Föreningens lokal, Linnégatan 21B
Fredag 25 okt: Introduktion kl 18-20
Lördag 26 okt: Kl 10-17 (lunch 13-14.30)
Söndag 27 okt: Kl 10-17 (lunch 13-14.30)
Ordinarie: 1000 SEK
Medlemmar, arbetslösa, pensionärer: 850 SEK
Sponsorpris: 1200 SEK
Endast fredagen: 150 SEK
Sätt in / swisha till föreningen på:
Plusgiro: 831 87 20-3
Swish: 123 018 21 21
Du betalar samtidigt som du anmäler dig via mejl till johanna@tibetanskbuddhism.se
Learn more about the course:
Introduktion på Zoom – tisdag 1 okt, kl 18.00
We welcome you to join our Zoom meeting where we tell you more about the course and do a visualisation exercise as taster.
Register for the Zoom meeting by e-mailing :tararokpafinland@gmail.com and we will send you the Zoom link.