Our own body and everyone else’s, the world we live in and perceive, and everyone else’s worlds, consists of the five elements.
The elements in our bodies and in the external world affect us in different ways. We influence them and are influenced by them.
Lama PHUNTSOK will give a teaching on the five elements as a basis for the practice:
The special shiné of Kalu Rinpoche
This is a special practice elaborated by previous Kalu Rinpoche. This practice introduce us to the tranquility meditation or peaceful remaining and allows us to approach the essential nature of the five elements (earth, water, fire, wind and space) as that of our own mind.
Friday 8 Nov, 18:30-21:00 – The five elements; The special practice elaborated by previous Kalu Rinpoche
Saturday 9 Nov, 10:00-17:00 (lunchbreak 13:00-14:30) – The five elements; The special practice elaborated by previous Kalu Rinpoche
Sunday 10 Nov, 10:00-16:00 (lunchbreak 13:00-14:30) – Green TARA practice

Practice of the Noble Liberator Green TARA
Buddhism has many practices of various forms. All of them are intended to dispel the veils that cover the true nature of the mind, the Buddha nature.
This practice allows the practitioner to enter into a relationship with TARA, the feminine and liberating aspect of the Buddhas, and then to realize her qualities in his own mind.
TARA is the Liberator, because as immeasurable wisdom, she frees those who realize her from all suffering.
Everyone is welcome to participate by reciting or just listening to the Green TARA practice!
Föreningen för Tibetansk Buddhism i Göteborg, Linnégatan 21 B, Göteborg
Only Sunday 10 November: 250:- (no registration or pay in advance if you only attend on the Green TARA practice)
The five elements: Friday 8 November-Saturday 9 November – Members 500:-/Non-members 700:-
Entire weekend: Friday 8 November-Sunday 10 November – Members 700:-/Non-members 900:-
Registration & Questions:
Please register by email to stefan@tibetanskbuddhism.se and pay the fee to Föreningen för Tibetansk Buddhism i Göteborgs Plusgiro 831 87 20-3 if you like to attend the whole weekend. If you like to become a member you are welcome to make a separate payment of 250:- to the same account.
Please email stefan@tibetanskbuddhism.se for any questions!

Lama PHUNTSOK resided for ten years in Palden Shangpa La Boulaye, France. He made various retreats there, including the three-year one. At the end of it Lama Phuntsok assisted the retreat master for several years. He then stayed in India for two years where he received spiritual guidance from Bokar Rinpoche.
He is currently working for Kalu Rinpoche.