I september 2024 startade föreningen en ny bokcirkel runt boken ’Gesture of Great Love’ av Tarthang Tulku. Cirkeln fortsätter under våren 2025.
”The times we live in are particularly challenging. While some people today have an abundance of material prosperity, almost everyone is poor when it comes to inner resources. Anxiety, loneliness, guilt, and frustration dominate the emotional landscape. There is a global shortage of joy, inner peace, and the kind of deep caring for self and others that heals the heart and inspires creative action. How sad this is! For at the very heart of being is the open instant, a boundless source of Great Love.
Using clear, accessible language, Tarthang Tulku, a Tibetan lama who has lived in the United States for more than 50 years, presents a simple, non-religious path in Gesture of Great Love that anyone can follow. The ideas he presents here first emerged some fifty years ago, taking shape as the Time, Space, and Knowledge vision. Great love is a natural expression of this vision, a love that encompasses the whole world of past, present and future beings.
Everything we need to get started on this path is already within us, and right now is the perfect time to begin. When we access the depth of our being and dwell in the open instant, we finally understand the rich potential of our birthright, and know what it means to be fully human.”
Boken är svår att få tag på i Sverige, men ni kan beställa den av oss och få den skickad för bokpris+fraktkostnad (150+50:-). Mejla leif@tibetanskbuddhiism.se angående boken. Det går också bra att köpa boken på föreningen när vi har aktiviteter. (se kalendariet här på hemsidan).
250 kr per termin
15 september kl 17.00-18.30
Sista anmälningsdag 8 sept.
Gruppen träffas sedan varje söndag vid samma tid. Det kan hända att någon söndag hoppas över om gruppen så bestämmer, eller att tiden vi träffas kan behöva justeras.
maila: stig@tibetanskbuddhism.se
Plusgiro: 831 87 20-3
Swish: 123 018 21 21