We would like to invite you for an extra online meditation meeting on
Tuesday Dec 28th
Time : 8-9.30 pm (Kl.20.00 – 21.30)
We will practice three meditations:
On calm abiding (samatha) in turbulant times.
On easing, relieving and encouraging in the midst of everything.
On love and compassion to all sentient beings.
”In times of seclusion, mind is boundless.
In times of darkness, mind is the light
In times of change, there is calm.
These qualities all come together in meditation.”
”silent mind, holy mind,
all is calm, all is bright.”
This meditation is based on a volontary donation.
So feel free to donate any amount to Föreningen för tibetansk buddhism.
Anmälan: maila till asa@tibetanskbuddhism.se
Plats: zoom ( länk fås vid anmälan )